
Surrealism was the movement that replaced Dadaism. Much like Dadaism, Surrealism was highly influential and bizarre. The movement wasn’t that much different to Dadaism and even used and enhanced some of Dadaist characteristics such as, performances, the use of an MC to announce/explain each action, comedians, noise, music, provoking the audience, highly based on the shock factor.

The movement was a bit more psychological and focused a lot on the mind. Freud was used a lot in the movement and his psychology techniques. Techniques ideas and themes, such as automatism, dream analysis, unconsciousness, irrational, surprise, unexpected juxtaposition, memory and psychology. The movement ended when the world war ended.

The movement was a very male dominated movement, and included artists such, Salvador Dali, Andre Benton, Rene Magnette. These are some of the more influential and famous artworks of the period.

Surreal-Irrepressible-Nature-of-Nature dali2 Polish artist Igor Sea surrealism

(Ray Tracer, Computer Graphics,  unknown date)
(Salvador Dali, The Persistance of Memory 1931)
(Igor Morski, 1960)
These are some of my own interpretations of different styles and techniques that were used and enhanced in the movement such as, Frottage, Grattage, Automatic drawing, The exquisite corpse game, and even a group interpretation of Phillip Halsman, Salvador Dali photo. All these techniques were interesting to learn and actually fun to recreate. The techniques offer a lot of freedom for the artist.


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